Redefine™ CBT Weight Loss Program


The Redefine™ cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) Weight Loss Program is an introductory program (part 1) focusing on the psychological aspects of overeating and losing weight. It addresses chaotic and emotional eating, dysfunctional thinking and aims to provide the building blocks of understanding thoughts and actions related to losing weight and how to keep it off successfully. Using Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the program contains videos, case studies, quizzes and diagrams to provide solution based and practical strategies to improve both psychological and physical health. This program is an essential foundation to a successful weight loss journey. It can be done in your home, at your own and at your own time.

6 month unlimited access for $99.95.


Module 4: Addressing barriers to Weight Loss

Aims: 1. Homework review 2. What is CBT and identifying barriers to weight loss 3. Common behaviours related to overeating and chaotic eating 4. Addressing eating out, vacations and special occasions 5. Redefine™ further and homework


Module 7: Tackling Emotional Eating and Binge Eating

Aims: 1. Homework review 2. What is emotional eating 3. What are the reasons for emotional eating and exploring and recognising the different forms of emotional eating 4. Relaxation as a form of stress management 5. Redefine™ further and homework
