CBT_for_weight_lossCognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was created by Aaron Beck, an American Psychiatrist from the 1960’s. His theories are based on the idea that thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all linked together. It helps deal with “thinking errors” that are distorted and unrealistic which exaggerates a problem or blows things out of proportion. It is not the situation that makes us feel bad, but rather the way we think about the situation.  CBT for Weight Loss is an effective application of his theories. A good summary of this type of therapy can be summarised by:

  • The way you think affects the way you feel
  • By recognising and changing your thinking, you can change your feelings.
  • By changing your feelings, you can change your automatic response to food
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Loss
The link between thoughts, behaviours and feelings

Why CBT for Weight Loss?

We know there is a significant psychological component to exercise and eating. The way we think can affect the decisions we make about exercise, food and overeating. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) looks at restructuring the way you think about diet and exercise, identifying both physical and mental behaviours barriers that are preventing weight loss and promoting actions that enhance healthy behaviours to keep you on a successful weight loss journey.

Our program has been evaluated and published in Australasian Psychiatry. You can read about it here: Evaluation of an online cognitive behavioural therapy weight loss programme as an adjunct to anti-obesity medications and lifestyle interventions.

CBT for weight loss lays the foundations to ensure that your thinking is realistic. It helps you address emotional eating, chaotic eating and comfort binging by re-programming your actions that drive these behaviours. These behaviours are modified so that you can cope with stressful situations, habit breaking and relapse prevention. As you become aware of your dysfunctional thinking and automatic unhelpful behaviours, you will learn to disrupt them and replace these less desirable actions and thoughts with ones that promote weight loss. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)  has also been shown to be effective in treating binge eating, dissatisfaction with body shape, and persistent weight gain.

Our Medical & Mind Weight Loss psychiatrist, Dr Terence Chong, talks about CBT for weight loss and the benefits of an online program in this video below:

Types of thinking errors

Some common thinking errors associated with weight gain that can be corrected with cognitive behavioural therapy are:

black and white thinking

  • catastrophising
  • predicting the future
  • overgeneralisation
  • mind reading
  • mental filtering
  • should and must statements

Are any of these thinking errors hindering your ability to lose weight?

Cognitive behavioural Therapy

Body of Evidence for CBT for Weight Loss

There is a large body of evidence supporting the use of CBT for weight loss. Behavioral Therapy is considered one of the 1st line treatment for weight management  as recommended by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.  Below are some links to research articles and trials that support this form of treatment for weight loss.

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the Treatment of Adult Obesity
  2. Brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Loss in Midlife Women
  3. Evaluation of a modified CBT program for Weight Management
  4. The role of the Behavioural Counselor in Obesity Treatment

Some of our clients who have completed the program speak about their experience here:

We believe that CBT for Weight Loss is an essential tool and foundation for any weight loss journey. It provides the psychological basis for difficult and persistent weight loss, promoting healthy and sustainable behaviours and proven for long term weight loss success. Have a look at our Redefine CBT Weight Loss Program today.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Loss
Redefine CBT Weight Loss Program