Brisbane Weight Loss

Brisbane weight loss

Brisbane is known as the Sunshine state but things are not so bright in the weight loss department. Despite having a reputation of sun bronzed bodies and bikini clad beach goers, growing obesity rates and weight loss has become a major issue in the last few years. Queensland health minister, Cameron Dick, said that

“Obesity is the leading cause of chronic and fatal illness in Queensland and if the increasing rates continue on their current trend over the next decade, the impact of the health system will be extensive”.

It has been said that the heavy economic burden of an increasingly overweight population costs every Queenslander twice as much as they pay for electricity. In 2015, obesity was already costing the state $11.8 billion and is only growing. Southeast Queensland faces a “tsunami” of chronic preventable disease between now and 2030.

Queenslanders are one of the country’s biggest consumers of soft drinks. This may be linked to the warmer weather that Queensland has. This has played a large role in their growing rates of childhood obesity as well as adult weight. As a result, Diabetes Queensland supports a soft drink tax which has been proposed by the Obesity Policy Coalition. Soft drinks are laden with sugar, calories and have no nutritional value. It has been found that in countries where soft drink taxes are applied, there has been falling consumption, sugar reduced recipes and smaller serves.

How much sugar in soft drink

In 1 can of soft drink (375 mls) is 66 gms of sugar or 16 & ½ teaspoons. Retink your choice of drink before you pull open a can. A Cambridge University study has found that just be cutting out one sugary soft drink, could reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 25%. Many smoothies and juices aimed at children contained up to seven teaspoons of sugar per 200 mls serve

The gut microme and sugar

Gut micobiome and wieght loss

One of the main contributors to having a good gut microbiome is reducing the amount of sugar in your diet. Research in the microbiome and its association to obesity is certainly very topical. However, there are 3 questions that we can ask ourselves if we want to improve our microbiome.

  1. Does it have any packaging?
  2. Does it come from a factory?
  3. Does it have a brand?
  4. Does it not rot?

If the answer to all 4 questions, is “no”, then we know it is good at improving our gut microbiome. The basic rules are that if it has been modified and processed, it will not improve our microbiome or our weight loss.

 Brisbane Weight Loss: What can Queenslanders do?

Brisbane Weight loss

There is no doubt, there is growing evidence that sugar impacts the gut microbiome negatively. We need to take steps to reduce our sugar intake including soft drinks and juices. If we try and eat everything in our natural form, which has been unmodified and unprocessed, we are making simple and easy steps to reducing obesity and promoting weight loss. Here at Medical & Mind Weight loss we have created the Redefine Metabolic Weight Loss program which is a 6 week diet and exercise program based on the Mediterranean Diet and the Dash diets which have strong evidence for weight loss. If you want some extra help with motivation and psychological therapy, it can be combined with our Redefine CBT Weight Loss program.

Brisbane Weight Loss and exercise

Brisbane is a beautiful city with wonderful running tracks that suit all fitness levels. These are four that are highly recommended.

  • Kangaroo Point (7km):

A beautiful view but one that works you hard with riverside cliffs and a 107 step staircase that is steep and windy.

  • University of Queensland (4km):

You don’t have to be a student to enjoy the popular flat track along the river through the University.

  • Ennogera Creek Bikeway (10km) :

Even though it is a bikepath, it is a great running track through the reserve along the Creek. Beautiful and peaceful for your run amongst greenery and gardens,

  • Mt Coot-tha Trails (2-10-km):

Runners and walkers can make use of Brisbane’s highest peak. Make it hard with flat trails or more intense with really steep parts. The view from the top is your reward.

Brisbane Weight Loss

There is no doubt that Brisbane and Queenslanders obesity levels are one of the fastest in the country. Take some simple measures like cutting out sugary drinks, improve your gut microbiome and exercise on some wonderful tracks. And if you needed extra help, have a look at some of our online weight loss programs.

Medical Weight loss